Speaking engagements

Impact begins with awareness.

We would love to share more about the Kwek Society mission with your organization. Eva Marie Carney, our Founder and Operator, is an experienced speaker and relishes the opportunity to speak about our work in Native American communities and fire up supporters to do more to support the dignity of all menstruators.

Sharing our story gives a voice to those in our Native communities that face period poverty. Let’s make a plan to work together to amplify the mission to end period poverty.

Chi Migwetch / Thank you, Potawatomi language


Speaker Request

Share our story

We will have more impact when we reach more supporters. Invite us to speak to your organization. Help us tell our story!

Eva and other Kwek Society representatives are available to speak either in person or via Zoom. To request that Eva Marie or another Kwek Society Board member speak at your event, please complete the request below and we will be in touch.

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