by Ellen Gallegos | Dec 9, 2022
Coconino High School Flagstaff, AZ In December 2022 we sent the students in this large public high school our full range of period supplies. Just one school nurse, Codi Dunlap, supports all these students, but she found the time to reach out and connect to get them...
by kweksociety | May 25, 2022
Tohono O’odom High School Sells, AZ The Tohono Oʼodham High School is a small BIE-operated school on the Tohono Oʼodham Nation lands near Sells, Arizona. The Tohono Oʼodham Nation is located in southern Arizona and extends into the Mexican state of Sonora. We began...
by kweksociety | May 25, 2022
Piñon Accelerated Middle School Piñon, AZ Piñon Accelerated Middle School, located in the Navajo Nation, serves a small community of about 2,000. We began supporting PAMS students in late April 2022, providing them the full array of our period supplies, moon time...
by kweksociety | Mar 30, 2021
Seba Delkai Boarding School Winslow, AZ Seba Dalkai Boarding School is a Bureau of Indian Education-operated school that serves grades K-9. At the request of its principal, Maye Bigboy, we began providing SDBS students period supplies in February...
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