by kweksociety | Jul 7, 2021
T’siya Day School Zia Pueblo, New Mexico In April 2021 we began our partnership with this small (50 or so students) K-6 grades school operated by the Bureau of Indian Education in Sandoval...
by kweksociety | Mar 30, 2021
Seba Delkai Boarding School Winslow, AZ Seba Dalkai Boarding School is a Bureau of Indian Education-operated school that serves grades K-9. At the request of its principal, Maye Bigboy, we began providing SDBS students period supplies in February...
by kweksociety | Mar 30, 2021
San Felipe Pueblo Elementary School San Felipe Pueblo, NM Katishtya, the Pueblo of San Felipe, is located at the foot of the Black Mesa in the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. The Kwek Society joined forces with Principal Colletta Wilson in January 2021 to...
by kweksociety | Jan 5, 2021
Indian Township School Princeton, Maine Indian Township School is a public K-8 school located on the Passamaquoddy Reservation lands in rural Maine, near the Canadian border. It was selected as the 2019 School of the Year by the Maine Environmental Education...
by kweksociety | Oct 7, 2020
Nowata Public Schools Nowata, OK In March 2019 we signed an agreement with Nowata Indian Education in the Nowata Public Schools to supply students in the three-school stack with moon time bags and period supplies. We continue to restock the students as needed....
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